Energy storage will transform the way the world uses energy in the near future. It creates an effective way to weave out the supply of variable forms of renewable energy such as solar and wind power as well as offering more flexible, reliable and efficient energy use for consumers.

In Australia, energy storage finally took a considerable leap forward in 2017 with construction of the world’s biggest lithium-ion storage battery by Tesla (Elon Musk), in the state of South Australia. A Climate Institute audit shows that the state has, as a result, reversed decades of importing power while solar continues to grow nationally and emissions fall. Queensland now follows this positive trend with no shortage of investors in a similar Townsville-based project.
“Queensland has long been the powerhouse of Australia. Now as we move towards our 50% renewable energy target, storage solutions are a vital part of enhancing our natural strengths in renewable generation,” the Prime Minister of Queensland, Annastacia Palaszczuk said.
The Townsville project has been described by investors as an opportunity for Australia to become a world leader in the manufacture of battery storage as well as its deployment.

“GetUp Queensland” campaigner Ellen Roberts said in September 2017 that the state was belatedly realising its clean energy potential, with 38 projects under development and another 40 looking to link to the grid. More information:
Renewable energy technologies are clean sources of energy that have a much lower environmental impact than conventional energy technologies. While conventional sources like coal are finite and will someday be depleted, renewable energy will not run out; natural sources, on the hand, are effectively limitless.
We also bring to mind that most renewable energy investments are spent on materials and workmanship to build and maintain the facilities rather than on costly energy imports. This means job creation and benefits to the local economy.
The “Climate Institute of Australia” estimates that based on the modelling results over 7,100 new jobs will be created in Queensland’s electricity sector by 2030, including over 2,400 permanent ongoing jobs, more than 3,800 construction jobs and over 840 manufacturing jobs. The vast majority of these jobs will be in renewable energy. Thousands of jobs are up for grabs in regional Queensland, including over 2,000 for North Queensland and over 3,100 for South-East Queensland.

“The wealth of the nation is its air, water, soil, forests, minerals, rivers, lakes, oceans, scenic beauty, wildlife habitats and biodiversity...that’s all there is. That’s the whole economy. That’s where all the economic activity and jobs come from. These biological systems are the sustaining wealth of the world.” – Gaylord Nelson
It has long been said that clean energy is our future. Well now, we can also call it our present - and not before time.
Climate Institute of Australia, PDF research document (viewed 06.06.2018)
REneweconomy, 2018 (viewed 06.06.2018)
Proactive Investors Australia, 2018 (viewed 06.06.2018)