January is drawing to a close already (can you believe it!?). It’s not too late, however, to participate in Veganuary - an annual event that encourages non-vegans to adopt a vegan diet.
Your body, mother nature, and – not least of all – or animal brethren will thank you for it. Here are the top reasons to complete the first month of 2022 as a vegan and get a terrific start to a more ethical way of being in February.

Doing your part in actively choosing to not support animal cruelty: Factory farming, in particular, is rife with abuse. We encourage all readers to watch the free documentary Dominion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko.
Lose weight: while plant-based food can be unhealthy (take chips for example), a vegan diet will help you in achieving, and maintaining a health weight. Studies show vegans are up to 20 pounds (9+kg) lighter.
Be climate friendly: plant-based diets have a much lower carbon footprint than carnivorous or omnivorous diets Consider also the stupendous amount of crops grown solely for animal feed.
Get all the nutrition you need: experts agree that it is eminently achievable to enjoy a fully-balanced, complete diet that is plant-based. See the PETA website, for example, for helpful advice: https://www.peta.org/living/food/vegan-101-guide-for-new-vegans/vegans-guide-good-nutrition/
Feel great: Vegan diets are linked and likely promote lower cholestorol. See for more information: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vegans-with-high-cholesterol
Antibiotic avoidance: do your part to reduce the looming threat of antibiotic-resistant super-bacteria, a danger that has been borne out of animal agriculture (see: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4638249/)
Delight in the range and taste: vegan meals need not be deficient in enjoyment! There’s myriad of terrific ideas. Some of our favourites are found in the Jamie Oliver collection, here: https://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/category/special-diets/vegan/
So, whatever your reasons, join us in living a kindler, gentler life – starting with your diet!
Thank you.